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Eliminating 404 errors in your Shopify store


Scott Austin here from JadePuma.

Clients on our monthly support program. Get this 404 report sent to them. from, reports that we set up in the scorecards. so we're going to show you here's how to handle 400 and fours. so they don't happen in the future. And if you're not part of our monthly support program, you know, if you have your own 404 reports that you're generate from Google Analytics, you can do that.

You can take the same actions here to reduce your 404 errors, right. It's actually a pretty simple process. So here is the first report I generated for one of my clients a rep to chip. So there's a lot of old legacy 404s on here. Like I can see things, you know, from when there were reward pressed or somehow there's a link somewhere, somebody clicking on, that we can fix.

and then there's just typos and things like that. So we're gonna go through a couple of the examples here and show you what happens. So let's look at this one here about our products. If I go into their store and just type in about our products, you show you what the, 404 experience looks like.

So here's the 404 page. and, you know, you can edit this page and make it a little more rich, engaging if you want to. But your whole goal here is to not have anybody show up on this page. right. And in this case, they had, it looks like, you know, 30 or so, maybe 50, people and, you know, on that page in a month's time.

So we're going to reduce that number. So the first one is, you know, somehow there's, there's a link going to this, you know, false URL and what it is is they actually have a about our products page. So the URL should be pages about our products right here. So what I'm going to do we're going to create a redirect for that.

So we're going to go into our Shopify admin under online store. And then we're going to click on navigation. And in the upper right hand corner there's this view URL to read redirect button. And this you can see all the existing redirects that are in this store. So what we're going to do is we're going to create a new redirect.

And the one we had was about our products.

And that needed to go to. The wrong URL. So I can go grab that here again copy.

Save redirect. target can't redirect to another redirect.

So this is a redirect. Also it's saying let's try that one more time.

What it probably is, is this is already a redirect or something like that. So I'm going to skip that one. Instead of trying to diagnose it right now. actually let's just try to see if there's an about here.

Yes. Oh, interesting. Someone's got the redirect backwards. It looks like someone in here tried to fix this redirect issue and got it backwards, right? So what I'm going to do is I'm going to get rid of this redirect.

And now we're going to create a URL redirect. Again remember redirecting two pages about our products. And it's going to be from about our products. So someone had created a redirect for that but got it backwards. They put this value down here to receive that. Now it's created. Now what should happen pretty quickly? It might take a second, right?

Is if you go in. Yep. See I had that URL in there at the,

About our products. And it redirects to that pages about our products. And that's what we want to see. So now anybody who follows that link, wherever that exists on the internet, and it could be in your own emails, it could be on another website, whatever. Right. Anybody who follows that link is not going to get that 404 experience anymore.

They're going to get this type of experience. So let's just look at a couple other examples. for example, this one is probably a misspelling collection's substrate. I'm going to copy that. Oh I can't copy there. See if I can control C that. Control C.

So that goes to a 404. So we'll create a redirect for that one also. So Ron create another redirect. We're going to paste in that element. Now my guess is it's just this little element there the end bracket. So what we're going to do is in our redirect we're just going to get rid of that end bracket. And now we've cleaned that one up.

Now if you've migrated your store from another platform like Apple the rep chip a while ago I saw that there was like an HTML one or something.

Oh, WordPress admin, right. So let's create a redirect for that one. Now you could, if you wanted to, redirect WordPress admin to the Shopify admin, which is, you know, forward slash admin. But I wouldn't do that in this case. I would just redirect it to the homepage. Right. Because, store staff is probably not, type in that.

And so that, that link that's exist out there somewhere. Yeah, that's I would assume average customers are finding that. So I would just redirect that one to the homepage. If I don't know where to redirect something to, I redirected to the home page.

And let's just look at one more for an example here.

Yeah. Fake HTML right. That that is probably from WordPress days. So I'm just going to copy that Ctrl c, go into the redirect, create another one and paste in that. And then I'm going to go to the front of the website and go to the FAQ page right there. And I'm just going to grab that URL and notice it's everything after your main URL.

So after I'm grabbing the forward slash pages for xyz f a q and pasting that in there.

So we've we created a few new redirects. and what I'll do is I'm going to go through this whole report and create redirects for all of them. and that way next month when this report comes out, there should be drastically less, redirects. And then for my, my clients on the support program, we send this out every month and there's usually just, you know, 1 or 2.

But that helps us clean things up and find, you know, broken links. All right. Hopefully that helps you with your 404s.

Thanks for watching.

JadePuma is a certified Shopify Expert. If you need any help with your Shopify store, we can help.
