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Adding Hidden Fields to a Klaviyo Sign-up Form


Hey, Scott Austin here. And we're going to show you in this video how to add fields to your sign up forms for Klaviyo that you embed into your Shopify store. And these fields will be hidden and you can use them for whatever you want to have more augmented information about. So here in a client store, we have a signup page and right now this is generic.

They use this for notice. We have no header and footer on this page. What they use this for is when they go out to shows, they edit the content above this to say, Hey, welcome to this show. You know, information about an intro, drawing, whatever they're going to have for their marketing campaign at the show and all the customer does is, you know, they get on their phone, you know, look at the QR code, open this up, and they put down their information and now they're entered in the drawing and they're entered on the email list.

What they want to do is be able to see what show each of these people signed up at, so that just one more piece of information they have in Clearview. So we do is we take this Clearview. This is an embedded Clearview sign, a form which is just the the email box and the subscribe button. It's all in the form.

I'm going to show you how you can add hidden fields to this so that that augments the information that you see in Clearview. So let's go into Clearview and we can go to the sign up form. We call this one the Plane in Bed Mobile. And intuitively, you would think that we're going to edit the form intuitively. You would think that you would add a field like one of these boxes here, right?

I would go over to add blocks and I'd want to add one of these and then make it hidden. That's not the way it works. The way it works instead is you take your subscribe button and you click on it. And what you're going to see over here is submit hidden fields. And by default, the source one is going to be there for you already.

And it takes the the name of your Clearview Form plane embed Mobile and puts that down. It's the source. And you can override that if you want to. All right. So what I did is I added a new field of profile property of campaign, and you can pick any of the email fields that are already in Clearview or you can make your own properties and add them to it.

I'm just calling this one campaign, and right now I'm going to call it industry show sign up. But if we're going to go to the New York show or L.A. show, what we do beforehand for the show is we go in to this form in Klaviyo and change this value right here to be the show that we're going to.

So this is now going to create a campaign field. It's hidden on the forms, not hidden. Clearview It's hidden in the form, right? And then when this video profile is created, boom, that information for campaign industry show sign up is going to be there. So let's go out to the website again and just refresh the page on this form.

And I'm going to enter test at G. Let's actually let's go to Scott at Jade Puma. Com Now, this profile already exists in Clearview and right now existing Clearview and under custom properties for campaign. You'll notice there's no campaign listed. So let's see what happens when we enter this. Thanks for signing up. So now we've submitted it, and if we go back to the profile, let's just refresh the page here.

Now we see campaign industry show sign up. So even though my profile already existed, it added that property, which was a hidden property on the form to my profile and any new profiles and get created would also have that. In there you can see the source also now says a second ago it said negative six. It now says playing in bed mobile.

So now I know what sign up for my used and I also know what campaign or industry event that was used at. So that's how you can and you can add multiple right properties. You can see we already have two, you can have more of them here if you wanted to. So that's how you can augment your Klaviyo information, your profile information using this hidden field property inside of the button, which is the subscribe button in your forms.

Hopefully that helps. Thanks for watching.

JadePuma is a certified Shopify Expert. If you need any help with your Shopify store, we can help.
