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Using Notion with JadePuma

This video will show you how to use Notion to manage your Shopify projects with JadePuma.

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Hey folks, Scott Austin here from JadePuma.

In this video, I'm just gonna give a quick tutorial on how to use notion. So I'm using notion with the rest of the Jade Puma team for every big project that we do with our clients. So that's like a store redesign, a new store build. We use notion for that. We have a ticketing system for ALA carte, you know, one off issues, but we use notion for the big projects. So the first thing is I use notion on my desktop. I, I don't do anything on the phone. And I use the client, right? So here on my screen, this, this is not a web browser. This is an actual client for a notion that I downloaded. You can use it inside of a web browser. It works. I'm not gonna show you how to do that.

Right. I like to get things working the best they can. You're gonna get the best experience in the, the client. So if you go to notion dot, so you'll see a link here at the top, in the header for download, and you can go to Mac and windows and click download the app, whichever one's appropriate for you. And the nice thing about that is, you know, once you download the app and if you get an email from notion the link will take you to the website. The website will automatically detect that you have the app and just open up inside of the, the app for you. So that's nice. So here in the app your view's gonna be a little different, cuz you're just gonna see your store, but let's look at, you know, fine line and bath. What you want to do is there's two things that, that we're using.

Let's just show you fit my foot as an example. So there's a resources section where I put links to the videos and any other things that we talk about or reference documents, I will put them in the resources section and then there's a view of task. And in this one, you know, this project's almost done. So most of the task are here under the completed section. See there's 203 of them in 13 under the deferred and the client's got 22 left. So let's look at fine linen and bath. I've done multiple projects for them. So they've got multiple task lists. So we did a redesign for Mulberry park. We did a redesign for heritage park and now I'm working on a redesign for fine linen and bath. So if we look at that task list this one here is, you know, a much larger set of tasks that are not done yet.

So here you can see we've already completed 105 deferred four, but tons and tons of remaining ones. And by the way, that these aren't even all the tasks for the project, cuz we're adding to the task list as we go. So for every project, every client, right, fine learning Beth, as a client, what I do is I add the right people from the team. So here's Tom here is Kendra and here is Mary all from the fine line and bath team. I add them as users to that experience. Now here on this page, things are a little bit laid out differently. That's why you want to go to the view of task page, cuz that's, you know, fuller screen with less icons on it, easier to manage. And I like the board view. So projects that I'm working on are tasks that I'm working on are under the in progress section and tasks that I hand off to the client are under the in progress client section.

So one says Jade Puma, this one says client and this database is actually the same database that's run by. It runs all my clients' task list. So don't go in please and change this client to be your company name, cuz that changes it for everybody. So if we go back to fit my foot, if we were to change this client to be fit by foot, then up here and find Leonard and bath that would say fit my foot. And also please don't add tags to the system. Cause I try to keep things as simple as possible. If we start adding too many tags that are specific to giving projects, then it becomes unwielding. So let's talk about, you know, what happens when I hand you a task. So usually when I hand you a task, right, let's just say customer reviews plan.

And that's that means the customer reviews like judge me kind of thing. We have to come up with what our strategy's gonna be. Usually what I'll do on something like this is I will take the task and I will drag it under the, to do for client or, and that would assign it to well, put it under that list, but it doesn't assign it to anybody. Right? So you can click and drag here. But what I also do is I open it up and it gets you this half screen view and what I can do under status. Right. I can click on it and it'll just change it and I can change it to any one of the ones that I want to. So in this case I would change it to, in progress to do client and then I would also assign it to the right person from that team to do that.

And then they would get an email from notion saying this task has been assigned to you. Now I actually don't want to assign this one to them. So we're gonna put it back to the up next. And you can see what I also do here is things that are not in progress by either Jade, Puma or the client. I've got things that are gonna be the next priorities. There's 24 of those and things that are even farther out that are 72 of those. So you can get a feel for what I'm working on, what we'll be working on next and what things we, you know, talked about. It's on the to-do list, but I'm not even thinking about it this time. As I'm building out, usually as up doing a project, this snow status list gets bigger and bigger for a while.

And then, then we start burning it down to to get it to zero. So for you, when I assign you a task, you're going to get an email notification. So let's say here, like when I assign this one to Tom, he should get an email notification that this task has been assigned to you. And you'll see here Thomas sent me some notes and then I've responded to him. So one thing to note is when you're in this comment section, which is a nice way for us to communicate back and forth, right? When you're in the comment section what you should do is start off with an at symbol and then it brings up all the people that are appropriate for this project. So if you wanna send it to me, you could say Scott Austin well, let's see how it happens when I type at, at, and, and I hit a T and now Tom shows up. So now when I, if whatever I put in here, you know, test content, if I was to hit submit right now, which is this little blue button over here Tom would get an email saying, Hey, you've got an, you know, a notification from Scott in notion, click this link to, to learn more about it. So as you're communicating with me, it, I will get an email prompt if you go ahead and do an at Scott and just pick that and say, Hey, here's, I, I guess I should spell here's properly.

Here's my thoughts. I hit return. It automatically submits it. I could hit that little blue button that was over there on the right. And now I'm gonna get an email about this. Now let's say you do your work and you wanna assign this task back to me for reviewing or for whatever purpose what you want to do then is two things, right? Under status. If you click it, you can assign it to Jade Puma into the, in progress, Jade Puma section that's step one. And then step two is assign it to me as the owner. And when you do that, you could add people. It doesn't subtract the other one. So you wanna subtract yourself. And then add me, and then you'll be good to go. Now I'm gonna put Tom back there and remove me cuz I didn't want to do any of that.

So that's how that one works. So then that's how we can communicate back and forth inside of a task and how you can assign the task back to me. Now let's say you've got a task and you're done with it. So let's say Thomas is removed Klarna content from the privacy policy. When he's done, all he's gotta do is on status. If no one's checking it or you know, there's no test person. If you're, you know, testing your own, your own task, you go ahead and just select completed. And what will happen is that content will remove from the in progress client side and I'll show you that. So let's just put a test task in here.

So on that test task. So at the bottom of this list, we'll move it up to the top. See you can even, you know, click and drag things and move 'em around if you want to, which is nice. So on a test task, all you have to do when you're done is say, Hey, this is completed. Now, before I do that, you'll see here there's 105 items under the completed at the moment there's 21 under client in progress. When I do test task and move it to completed, there's now 20 projects here. There was 21 a second ago and this is up to 106. So I keep these they're called hidden groups. I keep them hidden or compressed because the list gets way too long. If I have them open and it makes things scroll forever, but you can click on one of them and see what's going on. You know, what, what tasks have been completed in there and by who they've been completed. So that is how you managed tasks that I assigned to you either respond back to me at Scott or, you know, at Michael or anybody else on the Jade Puma team. Or you can assign it back to us. If it's, you know, a task that we should carry forward from there on, or you can change its status to complete it. Now let's say you want to give me a task. You just found something out like, you know, we want to enable web

Tracking with Pinterest or something. I don't know. I'm just making this up. Right. If you assign that under the, in progress, Jade, Puma bucket, what would help me a little bit more than that is actually assign it to me as a person. Right? so then I'll get an email. I only get emails if it's assigned to me or if you at Scott, inside the comments and you, so you could assign it to me. And in addition, you could even do an at Scott and you can see there's multiple Scott. Austins the one that's that's me. The Jade Puma me is the one with my image on there. Good looking guy there at Scott Austin. Hey, we need to add Pinterest tracking. And you know, we might even want to, I'm gonna open up a browser here and go to Pinterest, web tracking,

Pinterest analytics. And you can even, you know, grab a URL and paste it into that task. So there's a URL section, right? So that makes it easier for all of us to stay on the same page. And I do this a lot when we're working on the website, for example, here's a task for the winter park brand page and here's the link to the winter park brand page. And if I click on that, it opened it up in a different win, a screen over here. But if I bring that over, that's a nice way for us to easily navigate to the thing we're talking about. So if you know the URL of the page where you're having an issue or talking about something, please put that URL in the task. It helps so much.

So now I've got this enabled web tracking with Pinterest task. I've got a URL and I can say, well, I'm not in progress on the yet. I'm gonna put it on the up next bucket. And I, you know, so I can update the status of it if I want to. And I'm looking over here and my email to see if yeah, emails haven't come in yet on these for me. Otherwise I'd show them to you. And then, you know, if a task doesn't need to be on there at all and you don't do this often, usually I just move into deferred or completed, but like, this is a dummy task. So I can just go here, click on it and hit delete. Now, another thing that I like to do with task is tag them when appropriate, not every task needs to be tagged, but you know, let me show you what the tags are and what I use them for.

So, and these are the pre-canned tags that I've created. Like I said before, please don't add new ones because it applies to every project for every client. So a question is usually something that I'm going to ask you during our weekly meeting. Like, and this is a great example of on the site, they're using the British version of the spelling of gray E not the American version a and I just want to confirm with them that that's what they want to do, right? So it's a simple little question I'm gonna ask them. And depending on what they say, I'm going to, you know, add another task, like to change all the E Gras to a Gras or I'm done because they want to keep it as E a launch task is something that I have to do when we launch the site. So when we're working in an offline theme, there's a lot of activities that have to a happen when I launch the new theme, and that might be changing navigation, menus, or changing handles of pages, or setting up redirects and all that kind of stuff.

So, as I realize, as I'm doing something like, oh, I'm working on this page right now, but I'm gonna have to do this other thing for this page. When I launch I'll create a separate task and I'll tag it as launch task, and I'll go through all those when I'm launching the store or launching the new theme for the store. A bug is a, like it says a bug that you know, is code that we've already implemented, but is wrong. For some reason, we have to figure out Clavio is a Clavio task. Since I, you know, do so much Clavio work with my clients, I give it its own its own tag. Same thing with judge me asked support means I'm talking to customer support for an app, and I'm still waiting on them for, you know, an answer back so I can move forward.

Content is, you know, we're gonna create a, a page of content or content for the product, or we need an image content needs to created, whether it's copy image or video review is usually one that I give to the client, which is like, I've created this page, please review it before, or, you know, to accept it and give me feedback on it. And then pre-launch task is stuff we have to do right before we launch. So we've got the things that we do while we're launching or after launching pre-launch or the task we need to do right beforehand. And that might be something like delete a specific like show gun app that they is used for page creation, cuz that'll just mess up our theme or something like that. So those are the existing tags. And you can, you know, use those and add those if you want, if you're creating tasks, most of my clients don't create tasks. Right? Most of my clients are just accepting the tasks that I give to them and, you know, use the tags then to know that, oh, all I've gotta do is review this rewards program page. So, you know, just look at that one, for example. So this task is review the page. I'm gonna bring that up.

Oh, it's doing it on another screen over there. I still put it up four times. Didn't see it. So here's that page, you know, the client can review it and then give me feedback as necessary. If they're happy with it, they could send it back to me saying, Hey, this looks great. Or they could just say, Hey, this is completed. We are done. And either one is fine. So that's a little tutorial on how to use notion. Notion also has plenty of documentation and tutorials on how to use their tools. This is just how I've set up notion to work with my clients. Thanks.

JadePuma is a certified Shopify Expert. If you need any help with your Shopify store, we can help.
