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Video Walkthrough of the Site

Transcript of the walk-through video

Hello Scott Austin here from JadePuma. And in this video I'm going to give you a walkthrough of the new Tobacci website. This is built on Shopify and this site will become an online store, but currently they're still making their, their products and and running through the development process. So they're not selling yet, but we still set up the initial website in a Shopify store and I'm going to show you that. And the reason we did it in a Shopify store instead of a WordPress site or a landing page generator is it just starts to build the right framework. We've got the theme in place, we figured out colors and that kind of stuff. And we can add content while the product development is still going on. And then once the products are ready to be sold, we can activate the cart and payment processing. And then the whole site has all been there. It's been indexed in Google and that stuff. We've tested it all out, so it's all working. So we, you know, we could have gone with the, the one page coming soon type landing page that collects emails not on Shopify, but we decided to just want to Shopify because this development process will allow us to build on this framework as we're moving along. So this won't take long to go through. There's not much here, it's just a couple pages, but I wanted to show it to you cause it's kinda fun. The, the first page is the homepage where we just say, Hey, coming soon. And then we've got the, you know, and I do a much bigger banner here. The normally for the newsletter sign up cause that's basically the primary call to action. The entire site is give us your email information and we'll let you know when we go live on not tobacky has this really cool logo with the, the lion and his little crown going on there, which is we put the crown here up and you can see the fave icon we elected to do just the crown. And you'll see that when the header is over an image, we use the big lion image that's much taller than the rest of the, the menu information in the header. And when we go to a page without an image like the privacy policy, you'll see we changed the logo to be the same height as the rest of the header. But this was just a really great way for the brand to pop a little bit more on the pages that have the image as, as the banner. So we just got a couple of pages. The first one's about us, a brief little explanation. The company will be building out this story more as the time goes on. And then we've also got a contact us page with a couple of different contact methods and a map and that stuff. So not a lot here, but the framework is now built for us to continue evolving the website so that in time for the product launch to be sold, we're ready with a fully functioning Shopify store. And this, this site, like most of the sites that we work on is built on the turbo theme. So that's about it for this video. Thanks a lot for watching. And if you have any questions, feel free to send me an email. Thanks a lot. Bye.

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JadePuma is a certified Shopify Expert. If you need any help with your Shopify store, we can help.
