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See RPImaging website

Video Walkthrough of the Site

Transcript of the walk-through video
Hey, Scott Austin here. And in this video, I'm going to walk through to the store that we built for RP imaging. They were originally on Magento and had been on magenta for a number of years and wanted to move to Shopify for a number of reasons. You know, one of course is Magento as a platform, you have to host yourself and they didn't want to run the servers anymore for going to Shopify, which is a hosted environment, which is much better for them. And Shopify is a simpler platform to run on that said their business is complex. So there was a lot of things we had to do to enable all their existing business rules in Magento to work inside a Shopify. So here's a little bit of a walkthrough of what we've done. And, you know, in the beginning we migrated all of their orders, all their customers, all their products, all their collections brought all that data and information over into Shopify. And that wasn't the easiest to processes because they had a lot of information around their products, which you'll see here in a minute, some of their products are very complex. So the way that that product data was built in Magento, it's not a perfect one-to-one translation into Shopify Shopify doesn't present, prevent or present many ways. Do you store product data? So we had to use like a lot of meta fields and in other tools like that to have the same rich product data brought from Magento into Shopify. So their product catalog includes, you know, classes, services, software, and hardware. So there's a lot of different product types. And each one of these product types also has different shipping types. For existence, you know, software is downloaded online. Hardware for smaller products is, you know, normal FedEx USP, a shipping and things for these massive lighting tables is free shipping. So one of the things we had to do when we built this experience is build out a whole bunch of different shipping rules. And this far exceeded the capabilities of Shopify is built in shipping. So we used instead was an app called advanced shipping rules, which ended up being absolutely fabulous. We're able to do all sorts of rules around the shipping. You know, these products are freight. These products were FedEx, and a lot of these products are job drop ship from different manufacturers or different warehouses. So we had the ability to create different shipping rules based on the product type and the shipping type and the destination. So lots of complexity in there, but in the end that app fully met our needs for all the complexity of the shipping. And you can see on this product where we are actually saying, Hey, this one is going to be freight shipping, and you have to tell if you have a loading dock available or not, and that kind of thing. So this is a good example of one of their more complex products and what we're doing in this one, because there's so many product options where, you know, we exceeded the number of variants available inside of a Shopify product. So we used infinite product options by Hoke apps to have more choices here. So for example, if the customer says, I want two light sources for this light table, we've got anything in there. This is all right. You know, if, if that's the case, then tell me what light sources you want. And, you know, notice it told you, Hey, you have to select two. And until you do some, some nice warning messages there, and some of these other light tables get a lot more complex almost if I can find one here in all the different options that are available. And it might take me a second to find one that is much more complex. Okay. So, you know, so on this one here, you know, we have even more things we're, we're choosing on, you know, different, you know, configurations and stuff like that. So any one of these light tables had completely different rules. So inside of the infinite product options app, you know, we had the ability to say for this product or set of products create these set of rules and, you know, so all the different configuration of the, you know, configurations of each product, which is, you know, each one is completely separate. We were able to replicate that using that app. And we didn't use, you know, the product objects for everything. When we had the ability we actually used this one here is doing it variance because the product options were fairly simple. But not all of the products were that complex in the ordering process, right? Some of these other products, you know, are much simpler. We just use a standard product variance to do them, people put in their options and they can add it to the cart in the cart. We have some simple messaging here that right now they're using for COVID there's a lot of terms, conditions around their products that actually require an agree to terms checkbox. And, you know, the customer can actually view what those terms are that opens up in a new window, so they don't lose their experience. Yes. And now for classes, what we did is we use the app called co attend and that allows customers to see and book classes. And then we also, in addition to the calendar view, we gave them the ability to see, well, I want to see an S you know, a normal collection page, what are the online classes? And we just launched a store and we're in the middle of COVID. So there's not a lot of classes that are being shown here yet. And then you know, older, all the in-person classes that are upcoming also. So the customer in the calendar view, the co attend app has the ability to scroll through and look at, you know, different classes. We did some color coding here for online and in-person and we also the customer to filter and say, you know, just show me online or just so many, you know, in-person type of functionality. And as they click on one of these, they get to see more information. They get to add an attendee, which basically them signing up for the class. Some classes are free, some classes have a fee. And there's a lot of information, you know, on these classes, on the product pages where, you know, they talk about the map of, of where the class is and all, all that kind of stuff. So lots of good rich information in there. So let's go back to Normal heart hardware Type products and just show you a little more of the product page. So we talked about the variants, sometimes use product options. We have product seals up here that vary based on the rules behind. So you'll notice here in Harari says I have free shipping. I'm going to empty out my cart here and get rid of that messaging And go back to that product. Now, you'll see here, the top bar has a free us shipping for orders over $900. And that does not include freight products. And it's actually clear in the product. So here it says, Hey, this product is more than $900. Therefore it gets free shipping. So we're letting customers know up here and also giving them a counter up there. It's the VA added a $400 product to the card. It would say, Hey, only 500 more dollars still free shipping. And we have the product seal that knows that this product is over $900. Therefore it gets the free shipping product seal, and we have other products seals for different types of products. And then we built a tab functionality here for all the products where we put the product description, and you can see how much content that RP imaging had about all their products, their, their, their product pages are just packed full of really good information about the products. And then we also have a specifications tab and about the manufacturer. And then we talk about the shipping and delivery rules, you know, for each the different products. And then one of the things that RP imaging does a lot is, you know, they're very customer focused and a lot of their products customers are gonna have questions about, and they can't answer everything in the product pages, even though they try to. So they're, they're more than willing to get on the phone and talk to their customers. So we've got a got questions tab in some of the products. I think it's, if, for example, in the light tables again, which are really, you know, complex beast to order sometimes. So what they do there is even here have a gut questions button, which brings up this modal. It says, Hey, give us a call. We're here. We want to talk to you, we'll answer your questions. You know, you'll actually talk to a human being who knows what they're talking about. So you can see, you know, we've got phone number, their phone number here, phone number up in the top bar phone number down in the footer. So, you know, they're being very customer focused and being very willing to get on the phone with their customers. And let's go back to our homepage and back to that spectrometers, and you see here, we have a review. We just launched this store this weekend, right? I'm recording this on a Sunday. We launched the store Sunday night. And when judge me, we S which is what we're using for the reviews. We sent out review requests from all the customers in magenta on the Magento side of things for the past punch of orders, just to start seeding the review catalog. And we've already started getting product reviews in. So we're using judgment for product reviews here. You can see the stars at the top click on that. It takes you down below the product tabs or putting the full text for the customer Reviews. Now they also do a lot of services where you're pretty much bespoke, so it's not like we can have a product about one of these, but what they do is they educate the customer on the different services that they provide much of good information. And then each one of these services pages ends with a, you know, a contact us form where they can, you know, engage with the staff and us start the process of the consulting there. So we've got classes, services, software, hardware, and then we allow them to shop by one other method, which is manufacturers. Cause sometimes people get very dedicated to a manufacturer or they want to stay in the same system. So just so many stuff by these people or those people. Now let's go to one of these let's go to monitors. And one Of the things we're trying to do on these collection pages, we allow them different entry points into the product catalog right at the start of them. And let's actually go up one level, let's go up to the top level of hardware and notice here, we don't just start showing them products, right? Because the type of products they sell are really wide and variety. So just to start with all hardware products in a collection list is just too much, right. They need to make another choice. And if they want to see, all right, we allow that option. Hey, here's all hardware. But let's say they don't want to see all hardware. And they just want to look at monitors. That's why we give them the list of collection pages at the top level for the software and the hardware. So they click on monitors and now they can see all the different monitors, but we also give them a really good filtering. And this filtering is provided by the product filter in search app, which I'm, I'm actually a big fan of and using a lot of my stores that you have really complex purchase decisions and lots of information about their products. So here you can see, you know, all the different information about the monitors that are up there. And there's even some really nice sliders where they can, you know, talk about the monitor size. They're looking for whatever information. So we used in each one, these categories has different filters that are applied to it. So monitor, it starts off with panel size and resolution. But if we go to spectrometers, it's going to start off with vendor and then aperture size and then profiling. So each one of these collections, which is a different type of product, has its own filters that are used. And the order that the filter show up in that are optimized for that type of product. So w went to the shop experience, we added something to the cart. Now I want to show you some of the evergreen pages that we built for them. We already showed you the services ones. And right now this is using the flex theme, which is my favorite theme in Shopify that allows us to do some very complex things, you know, built into the theme. You know, for example, here in the mega menu, right? We've got this, you know, rich image type experience going on. And it also provides this little a one-liner marketing message that I like a lot. Cause it, it separates out the menu from the page kind of nice. I liked that little separation and I hadn't seen that any of their mega menus before I'd seen it from the flexing. So other themes might have it, but flex has it. And I really liked that, but it allows us to do these richer evergreen pages that you saw in the services. But also let's look at, for example, the contact us page, you know, where we, you know, have nice banner images going and, you know, we get the map and the contact form, you know, if we look at the FAQ, they're still building this out, but it's got this nice accordion functionality that I really like. So it's easier to just see the questions and find the one that's right for you. They've also got some good about us content. Now I actually don't remember, or to check something here, I'm going to see if we have different croppings for mobile. So if I look at the mobile view of this, No, We didn't, we didn't crop this one separate, let's just refresh the page to make sure. Yeah. So we didn't have a different cropping of that image. We have that ability in the flex team. Let's see if we did that on the homepage. Yeah. So here on the homepage, we actually put a completely different image for the mobile view. One that works much better in portrait than we have for the desktop view. So you can see it's a, it's a completely different image. There. One is optimized for landscape and one is optimized for portrait viewing. Yeah. And that's a bunch of the evergreen pages. So this is the RP imaging site, right? This was a site transfer from Magento without losing any data into Shopify and replicating a lot of complex business rules around the product data, the shopping experience, and especially the, the shipping rules. And it's now live on Shopify. So thanks for watching.

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JadePuma is a certified Shopify Expert. If you need any help with your Shopify store, we can help.
