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Dietz Paddling

See Dietz Paddling website

Video Walkthrough of the Site

Transcript of the walk-through video
Hey, Scott Austin here, and I want to show you in this video a complex project that we did for Dietz Paddling. So Dietz Paddling is a company out of Sweden that specializes in boats and paddles and gear for kayakers, surf skis, and competitive paddlers of all sorts. And the complexity behind this project was before we, we did this project, DEET was operating three separate Shopify stores for three different markets, right? One was for Sweden, which has their own Swedish currency of the crooner and was in the Swedish language. The second was for Germany, which was in German, and it was using the Euro. And the third one was for the rest of Europe, which was in English and using the Euro. So they had three separate stores. So the product catalog was replicated three times, but there were certain products they didn't have availability or rights to sell in certain markets, which is one of the reasons that when they originally built out the deeds paddling store, they came up with multiple stores, was so that they could separate out the product catalogs. But since then, Shopify now has Shopify markets, which allows you to have different stores under different countries or markets with different rules like showing these products in this market and not in other markets. So we wanted to combine the three stores into one, to save them the money for the Shopify store fees and to save the money for all the different apps that they were using. So, you know, you got Klaviyo in three different stores. You got judge me in three different stores and a lot of different apps are using times three every time. And then also the staff overhead to manage three separate stores. There's a complexity involved in doing all that. And I say it's a complex project or a big project because this is the first one that I had done using the new markets functionality. And even today I haven't done one as complex as this in the complexity being that we're doing three different markets under three different URLs with three different currencies, three different Lang or two different currencies, three different languages. And we wanted to have the languages change between things. And there's a lot of apps that are used in this store for advanced functionality and we had to make those multi-market capable wherever possible. And then we had to come up with some custom solutions to work around those things where it wasn't possible. So let's do a, you know, a little show and tell here of this functionality. So here's the Dietz paddling site under Dietz as the url. And this is their English language site for the rest of Europe. So in the footer we have the the market selector, and that's under the Euro flag. We click on the German flag and we'll see it in the German language. And now we're under dets for the domain. So we switched the domain out and you'll see here that the product catalog between the English Language site, at least at the top level now you'll see it. And the English and German versions are very similar in that it's mostly paddles and paddle clothing, but not the actual kayaks and, and surf skis. But if we go to the Swedish version, they have rights to more products in that market. And you'll see here they're selling surf skis and kayaks in addition to all the other products that are available in the English language and German language stores. Now this domain here is So you see as we change languages changing URLs and that's gonna help Google as it's doing, its, you know, search calculations optimize, which, which version of the store is right for which market. We went into search console and said, Hey, where we want, you know, for the Swedish market, for the German market and so on. So let's look at one of the complex products here. Let's see if I can find one quickly under surf skis to show you how there's a lot going on in their product pages. And this is where we had to do a lot of work across, you know, the multiple languages in markets. So on this product here, there's a product options app that we had to add in. There's a lot of, you know, functionality going on in that. And then we also have, you know, product description. We got look quick nav links to get to 'em, specifications and then I think it's materials. My Swedish is not that good. So lots of information there on those products and quick navs to get to 'em. And you can see here we've got a long product description with a video. We got the spec table. We've got components, materials and design. So there's a lot going on in this product page. And you see what we're doing is as we change the type of content we're doing, we alternated between a white background and a light gray background to help differentiate what the content you're looking at is. And on desktop, this isn't as important as it is on mobile because on desktop I can still see the heading. Most of the time when I'm looking at content sections, when you get into mobile, you start, you quickly scroll off and you're gonna lose that context. So the alternating of the white and and light colored background helps, you know, people on mobile differentiate between the content being shown. And as you see here, really long product page, which I'm a fan of, especially for a product like this, which is expensive in a, you know, a long decision making process for customers, you want to give them all the information you can. And because the page is so long, you see we have a back to top button that we put up there and it actually says back to top as opposed to add to cart. Because on this product here, we take them back up to the product form cause there's so many product options that they have to be picking. It's in the product options app. We just couldn't have a little add to cart button down here because we wouldn't be confident that they'd already made all the product decisions they made need to make when adding that to the cart. We continue scrolling down, you'll see we have the accordion where we actually talk a little bit about the the, the brand also and then the shipping and return policies, which I'm a big fan of, including on the product page. So that's a really long product page because it's a really complex product that that's an expensive and important decision for customers to make. So we, we put a lot of information in there and I'll just show you here on, let's go back to the English version cuz I can read the English much better than I can the Swedish and you know, show you as, as we started out, we wanted to be, you know, consistent in our branding. Cause there's a lot of apps that we've integrated into the store experience. So we defined our brand and they wanted to keep a very light style, you know, design aesthetic to things which is, you know, a very Scandinavian thing, which makes a lot of sense. It's a Swedish company, so you know, predominant color that we're actually using is the black and gray, using orange just to highlight things. The red is only used for the add to cart and the yellow is only used for product reviews. So what you'll see is a very consistent branding in the store with the black and gray and using orange to highlight things. So it's nice and clean and, and makes it easy for people to understand. And then there's the yellow that we put in there for the the reviews. So that is the store that we did combining three different Shopify stores into one to help the store staff save money from not having to spend all the money across the different apps, across three stores. And to make it easier for the store staff to manage one store instead of three. All right, thanks for watching.

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JadePuma is a certified Shopify Expert. If you need any help with your Shopify store, we can help.
